# 👋 Welcome to ISO27001.zip!
This is my collection on resources for [[ISO 27001]]. This page is being built to serve as a collection of resources for those teaching themselves about the ISO 27001 standard. I also publish it as a companion for implementers looking for a quick, mobile-friendly, and web-based reference guide for points of interest or information.
It's a work-in-progress, and an exercise in 'learning in public'. You may see some WIP articles or notes.
I am not the author of everything you see on this website - it is a growing collection that began as my own offline collection of notes in the application [Obsidian.md](https://obsidian.md/) (That I would send as an '*ISO27001.zip*' to friends who wanted a copy of my notes). Everything on this site has proved useful to me in my understanding - or was written by me to consolidate something, and so was collected for later use. There is now enough here that I feel it is useful for someone out there to share a public facing digital mirror of my notes. I have done my best to attribute where appropriate, if you identify an improper attribution then please [email me](mailto:
[email protected]) to let me know!
This website is best enjoyed with a copy of the standard in hand, as resources don't always make proper reference to the standard or print screenshots of the standard (For hopefully obvious reasons).
To use the website, you can click between links or just use the navigation tab to the left. I include some quick access links below that are likely to be useful for someone getting comfortable with ISO/IEC 27001:2022.
>🙌 If you benefit from this website and enjoy it, [please consider endorsing my 'ISO 27001' Skill on LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/savvapistolas/details/skills/) or showing this site to a friend.
# Quick Access
## 🎯 Start Here
- What is [[ISO]]?
- What is [[ISO 27001]]?
- What's an [[Information Security Management System]]?
## 📝 Notes by clause
These are my notes on each specific clause of the standard - Written to attempt to summarise and interpret the requirements, and point to other resources where appropriate.
- [[Clause 1, 2 and 3 - Scope, References, Terms and Definitions]]
- [[Clause 4 - Context of the organisation]]
- [[Clause 5 - Leadership]]
- [[Clause 6 - Planning]]
- [[Clause 7 - Support]]
- [[Clause 8 - Operation]]
- [[Clause 9 - Performance and Evaluation]]
- [[Clause 10 - Improvement]]
## 🧠 Activities and workshops
- [[Asset Register| Learn about and build an Asset Register]]
# About this page - Copyright
**ShareAlike 4.0 Licence**
ISO27001.zip © 2024 by Savva Pistolas, with meaningful input and derivative use of [ISO27k Forum](https://www.iso27001security.com/html/forum.html) is licensed under [CC BY-NC-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1) - the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence.
You are welcome to reproduce, circulate, use and create derivative works from this provided that (a) it is not sold or incorporated into a commercial product, (b) it is properly attributed to iso27001.zip and [ISO27k Forum](https://www.iso27001security.com/html/forum.html) and [ISO27001security.com](https://www.iso27001security.com/index.html); and (c) if shared, derivative works are shared under the same terms as this.
**Flaticon Attribution** - I made the iso27001.zip logo using an icon I got from Flaticon which I use non commercially and with attribution:
<a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/folder" title="folder icons">Folder icons created by Fathema Khanom - Flaticon</a>